Friday, April 2, 2010

The meaning of this day

What can I say but that I am in awe of the cross? I am so grateful for what this day I am overwhelmed!

Today is the day Jesus declared his passion for us. Today is the day he died to give his life for me so that I can live with him forever in Heaven, saved by his grace, saved by his love, saved by the cross!

How could I not recognize His deep love for me?

We so often lose sight of the real meaning of Easter behind all the chocolate and eggs and festivities. But really it is all because of Jesus.

After returning from Europe and talking to the people/students there, I am at a loss of how to describe my feelings today. Easter Sunday is just around the corner. We heard the same thing said over and over. How Easter is for the kids. They go to church on Easter for their families - it is just a family thing to them. Their views of church in Europe are slim outside of mass and a priest. Wow. So much potential for change, for revival, for awakening! I believe we got to witness the beginning of that change.

Years ago on this day, Jesus died for YOU. And 3 days later He conquered death. Yes, He rose from the dead!!!!!! He did that for you because He loves you and wants you to accept him and believe in Him. He wants to give you eternal life. He wants to take care of you. He wants to shower you with his love and show you His wonders.

KNOW without a doubt the extravagance of God’s love for you today.

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