Friday, April 16, 2010

National Day of Prayer

There is a rumor going around that President Obama cancelled the National Day of Prayer, scheduled for May 6, 2010.

Before you freak out...this rumor is false. The president did not cancel it. The National Day of Prayer will still happen. However, I don't think Obama will hold a ceremony to honor the day like President Bush did...but I could've seen that coming.

It's always wise to check out a rumor before you spread it like wildfire. I know...I started freaking out, too, then did a simple Google search, and discovered otherwise. Whew.

Still, there's a lot going on with a judge ruling the day unconstitutional. It seems to me that our nation was founded on the Christian faith, and it's worked well for us so far! I'd much rather be on God's side of things, because if we're not for Him, then it's just as good as if we were against Him. Anybody in the same boat as me on this? What are your thoughts/concerns?

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