Thursday, March 3, 2011


Do you ever have days where you question everything about your life? Everything you've done, motives, everything you want to do, why you want to do that or shouldn't do that, etc? Do you ever have to constantly remind yourself who it is who's really in control...and that it's God and NOT you?

Do you ever have days where you yearn for something that you might be working towards but don't have a way of doing yet? Do you ever question your faith, or at least the heart and motive behind it?

Just wondering. Because I do.

And God has told me quite clearly. Stop questioning. When you know you're supposed to act, do it. Don't question it. Why NOT do it if you know it's from me? Why not take advantage of the opportunities before you to be My light to those around you? Why not? Why wouldn't you? Don't let the world get in the way. Don't worry about what the world thinks. Why should you care? It's Me you're doing this for. And I'm very proud of you. More proud than you can realize. I am with You. Do NOT be afraid. My rod and my staff will comfort you. I will provide. Rest under the shadow of my wings, trust in my mighty arm to hold you up. Speak my name. Show my love. Shine my light. I am with you always. Be not afraid, for I love you, darling child. You are mine and I am yours. Unmistakable is our love. So stop questioning. Haven't I shown you already in many different ways that I am with you?


  1. You are wise beyond your years. Great post!

  2. ah... miss jess!
    thank you for sharing in words what i haven't been able to pin down in my life recently. and thank you for sharing the truth, that God is in control and he's near us/me :)

    a real blessing today,



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