Friday, May 6, 2011

Hiking for Hope

So a couple months ago I was asked to write an article on human trafficking for the NCU magazine, and since I hadn't done anything of the sort for quite some time, I was all for it. I really enjoyed writing it, since I am passionate about the issue, and I was able to feature an awesome organization, Venture Expeditions, as well as an incredible girl named Renae Post, alumni of North Central and uber-passionate about the issue of human trafficking, as well. It was just a great mix and I'm happy to say I'm super excited about how it turned out :-). The NCU marketing guys sure made this look good! Props to Jeff Hathaway and Ryan Decker and guys rock!

Venture has also been kind enough to post the article on their blog, so here's a link to it if you'd like to check it out there.

I'm also including a link to NCU's online magazine...just page through until you find the "Hiking for Hope" spread :-)

AND, as if you weren't tired enough already of the article...I'm including a picture of it...because...well...not about to float my own boat but totally want to give a shout out to NCU's graphic design guys...I think it looks sweet and Renae and Venture definitely deserve the feature.

So all in all, I'm just a wee bit excited about it :-) Hope you enjoy, it's hot off the press!

1 comment:

divine chocolate