Thursday, January 28, 2010

Inspiration from Julie & Julia

Are there any other bloggers out there who found a bit of inspiration from the movie Julie & Julia? I know I did. I think, in fact, that was the reason I started to blog again. There's something about the anticipation of writing down your thoughts and the whole world noticing that grabs my fingers like a magnet to the keyboard on my laptop and makes them itch to write something, anything. Then my brain screams at me to please hit 'publish post' as fast as I can to see if anyone out there responds!!!!!!! And like in the movie, when you discover that yes, someone has indeed visited your blog, and even better, actually decided to respond, I react with shouts and jumps of joy. Well...not exactly...but inside my head, I am screaming in excitement.

Ah the joys of being just one more blogger in the blogosphere...


  1. Here's some comment love for ya!

    I, too, wanted to race to my crisp keyboard to click away some meaningful prose that might provoke response after I saw J&J.

    But when I sat down before my monitor, I realized that if I'm not writing for myself, then I don't really want to write.

    (PS- I found you from Church of No People).

  2. Thanks for the comment, katherine! Sometimes it is hard to know what to write. Often I find that means I just need to start typing and see where it takes me. :)


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