Friday, August 6, 2010

Keep moving forward

There are so many things on my mind. It's all jumbled together. But one thing I know is that God has this perfect plan for my life. I can only see a step ahead of me. And in order to continue to see that next step, I have to keep walking forward. I love this illustration, because it's so true and such a good reminder. It's like driving home on an extremely dark and densely foggy road. Your car lights only shine a few feet in front of you and you creep along have no idea where you're going, and you can only really see as far as your car lights shine in front of you. And you have to keep moving, or you're stuck. But hey, good news! You have the light with you, illuminating the darkness around you.

I feel like that is a good depiction of our walk by faith. God leads us step by step. He sees the bigger picture, but we can only see so far in front of us. We may get a glimpse through the fog from time to time, but in general, we're relying on the light and relying on the road to illuminate in front of us as we go forward.

The kicker is, we have to move forward in order to see what's ahead. So even in the waiting periods of our lives, we still need to be moving forward. God will place the things He has for us in His perfect time, and we need to be expectant and ready to keep moving until and as that next step is unveiled. 

Reminds me of James 2:14-26. And one of the most well-known verses, vs.17, says, "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." 

We can have all the faith in the world, but if we don't take action, if we don't step out and move forward as a result of that faith, then it's as if we don't have any at all. 

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divine chocolate