Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oh the places I have been…

God makes life exciting…have you realized that yet? Since I started going to RVC, He’s sent me on 5 mission trips over 7 years, to 8 different countries. As a result, my heart has been broken for the hurting, the helpless, the broken, and the poor, especially the orphans, the victims, and the exploited.

Throughout the years, I’ve gained (and am still cultivating) precious friendships with people who have the same heart and same passion I do. It’s awesome. I love how God brings the right people into your life, in so many different ways, but always at just the right time. The encouragement, support, and excitement that stems from friendships like this is incredible. Conversations are amazing—God-focused, missions-focused—and as a result, when I’m with my friends, I get this awesome vision of what life is supposed to be like.

When we align ourselves with God’s mission and follow His lead wholeheartedly, it seems that while life gets a lot harder at times, it’s also so much more rewarding and exciting, because the right people are by your side to encourage you and support you, and you, in return, do the same for them. Walking by faith is not easy. I’m still learning…will always be learning, I guess. But as I see where I’ve come from and I get random glimpses of the places I’ve yet to go and the things I have yet to do…I am more and more certain that God truly is in control.

Most of all, I want to be aligned with His will and walking hand-in-hand with God. On that path, I know I will meet the people I’m supposed to and go exactly where He wants me. The circumstances in life that I am hoping for will come at the right time when I’m walking with Him. I’m trusting and believing in that, because I know His plan is bigger and better than mine.

I wish I could see down the road a couple years. Especially now as I’m gaining more and more of a heart for missions and becoming more kingdom-minded. I feel like it’s a daily transformation, and one that I will need to be deliberate about making a priority. Because the world can so often get in the way.

But I know where I’ve been, and the places I’ve visited and the people I’ve met have solidified an excitement for the things of God and a yearning to do His will, to love the orphans and refugees and take care of those who can’t help themselves. To step out and seek justice for the oppressed and make a difference for even one person.

It’s a process. A life-changing process.


  1. Mission trips sure do give you a different perspective, don't they? You are an amazing woman, Jess! Can't wait to see what God has in store for you.


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