Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lessons from Vietnam

I wanted to share something I wrote 2 years ago after my trip to Thailand and Vietnam. I was going through some older files today and discovered it, and as I read it, it felt like I was re-learning all over again. This is exactly why journaling while on a trip like this is so important, because we capture things and learn so many little things that we quickly forget once we're home.

When I think of my trip to Vietnam with River Valley Church, there’s so much I could say. I am amazed at how God’s purpose, plan, and protection were so evident in everything we did. I’m amazed at how much I learned…at how I realized that it’s never about what I do on my own, but what God does through me, that really matters.

A good chunk of our trip was focused on ministering to children whose families lived in the poorest of slums in Vietnam. We took them to a waterpark, where they rarely get to go. As I played, splashed, giggled, hugged, and held these precious children, I learned that love truly does speak louder than words. These children didn’t need words to know they were loved! Love breaks down any barrier, including language. Though they chattered on and on to me in their language, and no matter how hard I tried to understand them, I couldn’t talk to these children. But through smiles and laughter and open arms, I realized that I could still communicate one thing to them, and that was how much God loves them.

I guess that’s what struck me about this trip. I can’t do anything on my own. No amount of strength or will or determination was ever going to help me help and love others unless I let God work through me first. He showed me how good He is, how He works incredible miracles in situations that we can’t even imagine or comprehend as citizens of a free United States of America. Stories of deliverance and stories of perseverance all lead back to love and trust only in God. He is the source of true strength. And His promises never fail. When you lean on Him and love as He loves, and trust God as a child trusts, you’ll break through any barrier.

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